Bihu Child Apps

儿歌大全呆呆熊 1.2.76
Bihu Child
呆呆熊儿歌内容放映儿童的生活情趣,传播生活、生产知识等。词句音韵流畅,易于上口,曲调接近语言音调,音奏轻快,有独唱或对唱。儿歌动画,画面色彩鲜明,情节引人入胜,深受小朋友们的喜爱。呆呆熊儿歌,最专业的儿歌歌曲大全。让宝宝在看动画的时候学习歌曲舞蹈。Blankly Bear songs showcontent enrichment of children, spread life and productionknowledge. Words rhyme smooth, catchy tunes nearly language pitch,tone played brisk, there are solo or duet. Songs animation, vividcolor screen, fascinating plot, by the children's favorite.Blankly Bear songs, rhymes and most professional Daquan songs. Letyour baby learn dance song in time to see the animation.
儿歌大全游戏 1.0.63
Bihu Child
-提供妈妈和宝贝最爱的胎教音乐、儿歌童谣、最嗨舞蹈、最适合儿童学习的舞蹈动作-高清音质,流畅播放,让宝宝爱上儿歌童谣,儿童启蒙从儿歌开始-所有内容没费下载,没费使用-儿歌是世界早教专家公认的最佳早教素材。儿歌以其轻松、欢快的旋律,朗朗上口且便于记忆的歌词深受全世界宝宝的喜爱。儿歌一直是寓教于乐、边听边学的早教宗旨,将丰富的常识和小道理通过优美动听的旋律传达给孩子,为他们以后的启蒙教育奠定扎实的基础。妈妈最喜欢的宝贝KTV式软件- Provide prenatal momand baby's favorite music, nursery rhymes, most hi dance, the mostsuitable for children to learn dance moves- HD sound quality, smooth playback, let the baby fall in love withsongs nursery rhymes, children's songs from the beginning of theEnlightenment- No fee to download all the content, no fee use- Rhymes is recognized as the best world experts in early childhoodearly education material. Songs for its relaxed, cheerful melody,catchy and easy to remember the lyrics by the world's favoritebaby. Songs have been entertaining, listen and learn the purpose ofearly childhood, we will enrich the knowledge of the truth by thebeautiful sounds and small melodies convey to their children, tolay a solid foundation for their future elementary education.Mom's favorite baby formula KTV software
儿童宝宝游戏过春节 1.0.76
Bihu Child
小孩爱过春节,该游戏专为宝宝模拟设计的一款过春节游戏,让宝宝每天都可以过春节它激励孩子学习,因为它的乐趣对应你的孩子的知识游戏春节游戏:贴对联、放鞭炮、放烟花、挂灯笼照灯彩、舞狮表演、春节舞蹈展示、吃年夜饭、抢红包、倒计时、过年Children loved the SpringFestival, the baby simulation game designed specifically for thedesign of a New Year game, so every day you can baby New YearIt motivates children to learn, because it's funCorresponding to your child's knowledge of the gameSpring game: paste couplets, firecrackers, fireworks, hanginglanterns illuminated lantern, lion dances, Chinese New Year danceshow, eat dinner, grab a red envelope, Countdown, New Year
儿童益智游乐场 1.0.34
Bihu Child
儿童游乐场包含了很多好玩的小游戏其中有:蹦床、比赛、敲醒小伙伴、拉拉队、篮球运动员、打地鼠、吃美食比赛、还有很多好吃的汉堡包等等游乐场游戏画面非常美,听起来都有点小心动了,幽默风趣的动作表达,搞笑的表情,互动性很高的游戏特色游戏酷似喜洋洋有好看可爱的角色,又有熊出没中搞笑夸张的表情,更是有会说话的汤姆猫一样互动新很高这是一款具有教育、学习、娱乐、记忆、益智、锻炼左右脑、提高宝宝记忆力的好产品,专为我们可爱的宝宝们设计的以图片和声音结合的方式让宝宝更好的学习,帮助宝宝快乐健康的成长!Children'splaygroundincludes a lot of fun little gameAmong them are: trampoline, games, awakens smallpartners,cheerleaders, basketball players, playing hamster, eatfood game,there are many delicious burgers, etc.Playground game screen is very beautiful, sounds a littleheart,humorous action expression, funny expression, highlyinteractivegame featuresRadiant resembles the game has nice cute character, but alsoofbears in funny exaggerated facial expressions, but there isatalking cat Tom interactive as new highThis is an educational, learning, entertainment, memory,puzzle,exercise left and right brain, improve the baby a goodmemoryproducts designed for our cute baby designsIn a combination of pictures and sounds better way to make yourbabylearn to help your baby grow up happy and healthy!